
The importance of networking cannot be overstated when transitioning into the private sector. Networking can provide you with insights about job opportunities and give you a chance to learn from others who’ve successfully transitioned. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and finding opportunities in your field of interest. Veteran’s networking groups, such as American Corporate Partners (ACP) and Veterans in Business Network, can provide additional opportunities for making connections. Attending job fairs and networking events can also offer the chance to meet potential employers and fellow veterans.

Relevant links:

LinkedIn: LinkedIn
American Corporate Partners: ACP
Veterans in Business Network: Veterans in Business

One thought on “Network

  1. Retired Forensic Psychologist & Professor of Clinical SW & Adjunctive Professor of Psychology (Rocky MT College> LA Valley College, AA degree in Bev. Science (1972-74) California St. University, Northridge, BA-Sociology+ BSW (Social Welfare)-1976; Fresno State University-Master of Social Work (Phi Beta Kappa)-1977, 4.0 GPA; Professional School of Psychology-CPU Clinical Psychology-1986

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